UNIVERSITY PARTNERS - University of Bologna
It is the eldest University of the world and one of the largest. The Agricultural University of Athens has collaborated in the context of Socrates / Erasmus with two of its Departments and under EU financed research projects with a third. The University of Bologna and specifically the Statistical Department has substantial experience and success with EU research projects and has been coordinating numerous Socrates/Erasmus activities including IP projects. It has been collaborating with the Agricultural University of Athens for at least 20 years. Today the Statistical Department of the University of Bologna is running a postgraduate course entitled “Market research and data mining”, very much related to the subject of the IP Programme. The University of Bologna will offer its expertise in the field of statistics, market research and data mining in order to strengthen the marketing process, which is one of the most central and vital function in every industrial or commercial organisation.
visit Polytechnic University of Madrit
The project has received funding from the European Commission (Financial Agreement No: 29121-IC-1-2003-1-GR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 and 29121-1C-2-2004-1-GR-ERASMUS-IPUK-1). The sole responsibility lies with the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of information contained in this web site.
visit web site of uni-hohenheim visit University of of Bologna  visit visit University of Krakow web site visit University of Madrit visit Agricultural University of Athens visit Socrates web site visit Georg-August-University of Goettingen web site visit Agricultural University of Krakow web site visit Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University College web site