UNIVERSITY PARTNERS - Agricultural University of Athens
The eldest Agricultural University of Greece and the third eldest among all Greek Universities. The University specialises in primary production of agricultural products and food manufacturing. One of its six faculties specialises in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management. The University is involved in numerous EU projects, which cover the largest percentage of its research financing funds. The Department of Agricultural Economics and, more specifically, the Laboratory of Agribusiness Management is running in collaboration with the Department of Food Science and Technology of the same University, the postgraduate MBA course in Agribusiness Management, a very successful course in Greek and English for the last 6 years. Its experience in Agribusiness Management is drawn not only from the two Departments’ staff, but also from its wide research and lecturing team consisting of scientists from London University, Bath University, University of Paris, the Athens University of Economics & Business and the University of Piraeus. The coordinator, Peter Soldatos, is the Professor of Mathematics of Finance and Investment Appraisal. He is the Director of the Laboratory of Agribusiness Management, the Director of Postgraduate Studies in Agribusiness Management, and the Head of the ENTREPRENEURSHIP Programme undertaken by the Agricultural University of Athens. Together with his University team running two research and application projects aiming the estimation and analysis of costs and investment appraisal of agricultural and industrial activities related to bioenergy biomass and water desalination respectively. The Agricultural University of Athens will undertake the coordination and will host the project in the first year of its implementation. It will be responsible for the IP-Site creation and maintenance and will coordinate the preparation and editing of all Programme material. It will manage the non-University contacts and it will also be responsible for most of the follow-up, dissemination activities, such as the publication of the book and CD. The Agricultural University of Athens will undertake the subject of “Business Planning”, will be involved in all other subjects and will arrange the complementarities of the industry speakers with the University teaching schedule.
visit Polytechnic University of Madrit
The project has received funding from the European Commission (Financial Agreement No: 29121-IC-1-2003-1-GR-ERASMUS-IPUC-1 and 29121-1C-2-2004-1-GR-ERASMUS-IPUK-1). The sole responsibility lies with the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of information contained in this web site.
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